self reflecting ©
Westwood Hay near Inkpen, july 29th 2011.
Westwood Hay formation © Oliver Morel
Kundalini dragon/snake
A very impressive formation appeared in the night of 28th to 29th of july 2011, at a
country-seat that never before had been the location for a cropcircle. I suppose that anyone
agrees that the formation depicts a dragon or a snake. At the evening of the 28th, I was
performing a slide presentation at Alton Barnes about cropcircles. I showed a few
dragons while, in essence, I concentrated on talking about unity consciousness and how it
relates to dualistic thinking. Unity consciousness versus duality seems also the central
theme in the formation. The similarities plus the moment of appearing make it so, that I
consider this formation as a personal connection with the anonymous cropcircle scource.
The dragon or snake takes of old, an important position in the collective unconscious of
the human race, and as a result, also in the personal unconscious of each individual.
Although, as a symbol it has multiple meanings, it can essentially be understood as the
universal creative lifepower the way it manifests through nature. Therefor, one could
call it; "God the Creator", or at least its representor. This dragonsnake is the serpent
Ophis that seduced Eve to eat from the divine apple as how it is translated in the bible.
It is also the serpent of healing, known from the Esculaepis emblem. As a duality it
appeares at the crosier of Hermes/Mercury. It is Quetzalcoatl the feathered snake from
the Inca's, Ningishzida at the ancient Sumerian culture, and so on.
At the presentation, I showed with the help of a few selfproduced childhood-drawings,
my personal, connection with this being. I explained that it is
very interesting to draw dragons, because, when our waking awareness doesn't get the
overhand, it will point out, which aspects are withholding us from our enlightenment!

Drawings from my childhood © Randell.
The illustrations show some of the children's drawings I made. The two lower ones are
expressing a dragonsfight. These dragons tell us that conflict is obstructing the
enlightenment. The dragon above to the right is, according to me, closest to enlightenment.
It expresses an earthly dragon in serenity. It has taken the colour of the middle (yellow)
while some sort of antenna sprouts out of its head. The antenna points to unity with the
heavens. In case we should link this yellow dragon with the I tjing oracle, than we find
it matches a lot with the first moving line (the bottomline) of "creativity". It is
the very first movement in the total of 384 possible type of changes that the book offers.
It is certainly worthwhile to connect the drawings aswell as the formation itself with the
I Tjing, but for the concise character of this article I won't go into further detail about
As said before, the dragon/snake represents the universal creative lifepower that brings
all possible shapes in nature to reality. For a human being, the personal connection with
its own dragonnature is therefor of uppermost importance, far above all the other dragon
activity in the surrounding world. In each of us, the dragonnature is potentially, or to a
certain degree awakened, present. Although we are all, more or less, independent
individuals, we are at the same time all connected with the scource of constant
renewal. The scource of the so often itself multiplying force of life.
To emphesize the idea of personal connection with the divine creative power, I have put
it explicitely in my presentation and illustrated this with examples of my own personal
existance. This personal connection is certainly not limited by only a number of drawings
from my childhood. Until today it is in a prominent way with me in the form of many bizar
coïncidences, channeled inspirations and other remarkble occurrences.
At the night of presentation, the West Wood Hay formation was being made. In the early
morning 29th of july the impressive artwork would be discovered.
Videostill from nightvision-recording © Thruthseekers666
Ofcourse, as cropcircle fanatics of the first hour, we rushed towards the place of
truth. At arrival, the landowner was under no condition willing to listen to our thoughts
about the phenomenon. He was behaving very angry about what he considered to be an ordinairy
case of vandalism. He was close to paintbrush our cars, as if we were responsible
for what had happened to his crop. Short after having been able to take some pictures from
a distance, a tractor appeared that would demolish the piece of art or vandalism or whatever
it wants to be named.

© Randell
While I happened to see more college's croppies, it became clear to me, that I was
allowed to see this formation as a bonus to my presentation. The friends and acquaintances
that were at the presentation found the thematical similarity as obvious as can be. To me
it felt somehow different, I was not fully convinced, as I didnt see other than general
form-aspects in the formation. At least no typical "Randellian" trade-marks, while the '
theme was very universal. Now, after the release of the nightvision recorded making of the
formation the similarity seems just coïncidence, whatever that means. Nevertheless, this
coïncidence has lead me to a serious study of the design which follows now.

Surveyably spoken, we see a central circle that is divided into four seperate sections by
a S-shaped serpent. The central circle seems at first sight to have two striking poles
as attributes that are connected by an axis. Closer inspection reveals us though, that this
polarity with axis is part of the serpent figure instead of the central circle.
The snake appears to have a head and a tail. At the tail there's a large size disk connected.
The head has a somewhat strange abstract geometrical shape. A fiery little forked tongue
seems, in terms of imagery-elements, outstanding.
The serpent is filled with disk-shapes at its total lenght. Twenty-nine primairy and
fourty-eight secundairy disks to be precise. What does not occur so obvious in the diagram,
is that the skin of the animal is done pretty messy...

The central circle
The quartered mid-circle conforms with thick contourlines to the slicing snake with its
two remarkable limbs. The first association that comes up to me, is that of planet earth
divided in the four winddirections. The snake seemingly functions as a principle of order.
It creates order by distinction. It distincts high from low, left from right, North from
South, etc. The sphere is one thing. Creativity devides it in above and under, in left
and right. In case the sphere can not be accepted as one, than at least it can be said
that the four compartments are, as it were, aiming at togetherness. They adapt to the
nearer imagery elements whereby it also tries to maintain its circular shape.
Adaptability like this, very much reminds me to the heart in the sense of a nerve-center
or chakra. As we will see further on, there's a lot to say for this idea.
While the snake, in its activity, divides the sphere, it seems also willing to say
something. A typical feature of snakes is that they have a sliced tongue...

The tongue
In the design here, the tongue seems not as usual sliced in two directions, but
possibly even in three directions. I'm using the term "possibly" here, because
carefull notion learns us that there are actually three seperate elements involved.
There's one track in the middle. Seperated from that, there are two little curves.
One on the left and one on the right. With the tongue interpretated as organ of speech,
it seems to say that it slices unity. In fact, the imagery-element can safely be
understood as an expression of insult.
At the same time, there is, according to me, a sexual interpretation possible. The fiery
tongue than represents the nature of lust. The sexual energy, the heat, the fiery breath
as it is distracted from the kundalini-fire.
In whatever way we look at it, some kind of repetition turns out to be the case in terms
of dividing. Maybe it is possible to say that, first it comes in words by the tongue, than
later it is followed by further movement of the snake that partitions the central circle.
So, first seperation into two or three, than later into four. The base of the tongue is
at the right side against the tip of the head. It might symbolise that there's consciousness
involved in its fiery expression. It is a conscious choise to act like this. Seen in a more
positive way, the serpent creates order by division.

The base
Now our attention is drawn to the base of the fiery speech and we also recognise a certain
repetition, it becomes logic to take a look at the base of the snakey serpent-dragon as
a whole. As we know, this base is a relatively large disk-shape.
This disk I would like to consider as the scource. Maybe a sun-disk or something alike.
The tip of the tail sprouts from the exact center of the disk, so that it looks as if the
snake has come from the center of the first cause. A remarkable detail here is that the
secundairy disks, the so called "grapes" or "grapeshots", start their presence beyond the
circumference of the scource-disk.
The grapeshots form colons between the larger circles from the moment of leaving the
scource-disk. Why it is like that, one can speculate in many directions. Personally spoken,
it reminds me to succession of generations starting from Adam and Eve. Through some other
glasses I am prepared to see the three energy-channels going through the human spine.
I will come back to it at the contemplation of the colons.
Would we make a worm of this abstract snake, than the scource-disk deserves it to be seen
as a worm-hole! In case you wonder how farfetched it is to degrade the holy sacred
serpent/dragon to a miserable worm, may seem at the next association that can be derived
from the strange looking head of the creature.

The head
An association that concerns not only the head but the complete snakefigure, we find in
the shovel headed gardenworm. This association was delivered onto cropcircle
connector by Trevor J Ward.

From the shovel headed gardenworm to the association with a shovel used for gardening
can hardly be called a jump. The shovel is since ancient times thé tool for farming
the earth. The dragon/snake appears in that sense to represent simply the scooper or
creator, creative thinking or creative activity.
Another association I have came from a guiding dream and is one of a portal. I saw
the snout in the shape of a modern double door opening up to outside. A number of
people came out.
Measuring the arrow that can be observed in the head will show that it matches with
the circumference of the scource-disk at the tail. In case we stick to the idea of
this scource-disk being the sun, than it doesn't take much to hold the arrow in the
head (or the head as a whole) for a moon. However, honesty has it, that in that case
it is a very unusual strange looking representation of the moon.
In case we place the "moon-aspect" directly against the sun-disk, something interesting
happens. We notice that the snout of the snake, that we have now replaced, fits perfectly
between the disk and the lower pole of the divided heart circle. This happens in, I bag
your pardon, such a way that the touch, again occurs exactly right from the top of the head,
same as happened with the position of the tongue!
The shifting of the element that I prefer to call "the snake-snout" is nothing else but
an experiment. What it's really worth is up to anyone to decide for him- or herself. All
I do know,is that helps me to even another fascinating insight.
In case we mirror the snout encouraged by the two added coördinates (the gapeshots),
than a beautiful all seeing eye will appear. An eye like that recalls the memory to
a cropformation of 2005. It also resembles the shape of the soul.

© Lucy Pringle
During my career as an artist I have been searching for a proper depiction of the soul.
Het occurs to me regularly that the term "soul" is often used, but seldom really
understood. Except for a useful definition, I also wanted a visual representation of
this "something" so meaningfull and important. With the use of vision quest, aswell as
astral projection I came to a number of comparable images, of which I show three of them

© Randell
It may be obvious that the shape of the soul is based on the Vesica Pisces. The sacred
geometrical shape that results by overlap of two identical circles. The circumferences
need to cross eachothers centerpoint. The souls, as how I have been able to observe
them, had a three-dimensional appearance. So, as it where, constructed from two in
balls halfway merging in eachother.
Both the shape of the soul as the Vesica Pisces turn out to be body's that are in an
explicit manner making the duality to one.
The soul is the principle of life from which we gain our survival. It is the scource
of true inspiration and vision that we use for our growth and final selfrealisation.
There's a brilliant jewel or pearl enclosed in every soul, that represents the idea of
selfrealisation or enlightenment.

The row of disks
The association with the spinal column I have mentioned before. Without the coccyx or
tailbone, the human spinal column counts 29 vertebra. The connection between Kundalini
and spinal column is evident and wellknown I hope. The association with the vertebra
therefore seem to make sense I believe. It is nice to notice that Th4, the vertebra
at the hight of the heart is quite correctly placed in the central position.
Still, it needs to be said, the fact that the coccyx or tailbone is missing, is
undermining the idea of a spinal column as a conscious intended depiction. Should it
nevertheless be intended, one could reason that it is left behind for it can be taken
as a evolutionairy artefact that is no longer necessary.

Unity-consciousness is seated on the unification of opposites. The pictogram of the
formation tells us there is opposition or duality as soon as the serpent leaves its
scource. The scource-disk at its tail can easily represent the scource of life.
Out of its center new disks seem to evoke. New lifes?
From the moment on, that these new disks leave the surrounding earia of the
scource-disk, we notice the little secundairy disks that come in pairs. These pairs can
be related to man/woman or father/mother relations. From these
pairs again and again new disks appear or as I am speculating, new lifes appear.
At the review of the base I had mentioned allready the succesion of generations. In first
instance I meaned the succesion according the family-line. It can also be interpretated
as succesion through reïncarnation without sticking to race- or bloodline. Seen like this,
the snake as a totallity can represent the deveopment of a soul through a serie of
incarnations. In this case 29 incarnations.

Would we like to survey this assumed reïncarnation-snake from the inside, than the
sight of a tunnel can be the case. Our conscious mind or the spirit is able to
travel inwards this tunnel to locations of choice. At one of my first astral
projections I had undertaken such a travel, and I can guaranty that it is an extreme
exciting sensation! Like a rocket, I flashed through what appeared to me black and
white rings, untill I realised these rings represented life and death. I realised, I
saw myself confronted with my past lifes. The shock that followed paralysed me, and
only after calming down enough, I was able to return in my physical body.
An experience as this does make one see, does make one understand. It is like
remembering. It can leave not a trace of doubt about the connexion of events.
Although we can imagine ourselves very independent, as free individuals, it does not
mean free from certain laws of existance. What I'm really trying to tell here, is that
karma is not a joke.
The cycle of life and death has always been compared with the succession of day
and night, so, sun and moon. A day of life can be considered a single incarnation.
For my subconscious it has been motive to recieve a dream in which I saw an owl.
Inside this owl I noticed another, much smaller, owl. In the smaller owl, again another
smaller owl.

As far as I'm concerned, this "owl in the owl in the owl-dream" shows an analogy with
three different states of self-awareness. One state can be described as the self that
is able to know itself as a person that exists on an ordinairy day, so, 24 hours.
Getting to the second state, in a broader perspecive the self can realise his whole
life-track from birth to the moment of death as a walk through the daytime of life.
The third state considers a whole set or range of incarnations as a day. This
particular "day" concerns a period of many ages and will for the average person be
hardly anything more than a vague memory or intuïtion. A day like this, I imagine, can
be compared with the Aztek concept of "a sun". One could also think of a day of
Brahmâ. A day of Brahmâ is a time cycle known from the Hindu-school that stretches
over a period of 4.320.000.000 years... Enough for a full set of incarnations if you
ask me.
The number twenty-nine can relate to the date of making.

The skin
The skin of the snake is fashioned in a smooth way at the diagram, but appeared
quite messy in the actual formation. It leads easily to the conclusion that the
formation is the work of people with stompingboards. As I usually try, I
don't step into any conclusions to soon. Therefore, I would prefer to
call it a strong indication of human production. Only short before finishing this
article, the video-registration of the making, done by Matthew Williams was
released. So, together with the observation of the wobbly skin, I feel I don't
really need to explain about the difficulty of creating a much more tightened
line for the skin representation. On top of that, I believe it is rather silly
to stick with the idea that this formation has come to us by supernatural force
or something.
A very odd aspect of the design is the protuberances connected to the skin. They
show at each end a disk. These disks are of influence to the divided heart-circle.
They seem to represent the poles of this in four sections sliced heart-circle.
Most evident is that they speak of duality.
Thinking about a possible reason for connecting the duality to the skin of the
snake, I understand that it is an essential characteristic of the skin in general,
that it marks the border between inside and outside. Also, these limbs look like
some sort of steering mechanism. The quality of number two is that of turning,
reversal and also distortion.
A formation that came two weeks after the Inkpen dragon, was one at Knoll Down that
looked like a cross-section of the creative beast. Funny is to notice how we now
face a division into two parts instead of four. It tells me the partitions are
relative, due to the angle of observation.

Cooks plantation, Knoll Down, Beckhampton, 13 augustus 2011.
Contemplating over the skin of a serpent, a suggestion that belongs to it, is that the
snake drops its skin several times in the proces of growing. In this presentation it
could mean that the snake has to grow out of its dualistic shape. The challenge could
be to re-establish the original unity.

The colons
Some more duality is noticeable in the colons that are guiding the larger primairy
disks. It is very well thinkable that these twin dots refer to the subtle
energy-canals Ida and Pingala, as they are known in the old Hindu-teachings. The 29
primairy disks would as a result than refer to the Sushumna canal. It is intriguing
to realise that these traditional nerve-chanals of vitality seem directly linked to
to the physical spinal column.

Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.
Now that all the imagery-elements have been worked through, it is possible to let
all the information sink into the pudding that our brain looks like. It might result
in the discovery that this dragon, worm or snake, concerns a piece of atonomy of the
creative self. It seems to connect the original lifescource or soulpower with the
central nerve-system of the evolving human kind. To me it occurs as being a powerful
call to return to the scource. To "remember" our original essence. This remembering
suggests the kind that goes back to past lives. Maybe it is best described as
reconnecting with the own collected consciousness that is the result of the many
experiences through all these lives.
I tend to believe that the world,
as far as modern history is concerned, has never seen such an intelligent depiction
of the Kundalini snake. One could suspect the designer of this formation to
be perfectly informed about all that is related to the creative Kundalini-snake, ór,
that he or she has done this design from the subconscious level, as I used to do
while producing the earlier shown childhood drawings.
Knowing that this formation is man-made, it gives me a slight uncomfortable feeling
that the design might not contain the purifying influence that authentic formations
have. In the worst case it could be a destructive subliminal message.(!!!)
Subliminal influencing by cropformations is a theme that should not be underestimated.
You can consider it as an integrated part of their function.
Although there are amazing forces at work to balance out the ascension processes that
are taking place, it does not automaticly mean that harmfull influences can't reach us
anymore. It might aswell be the case that we are not protected from being confronted
with so called "enemies" in order to improve our immunity to forms of decay or to
simply gain a deeper understanding of "the whole self".

Left the diagram, right the occult book.
After having concluded these things, I would like to stand with a find that shows a
remarkable similarity with the Inkpen cropcircle pictogram. It concerns the sleeve
of a rare occult book. I would love to sniff on this one, were it not, that I don't
have the essential information to search for it. The author, aswell as the title, as
the publisher, is unknown to me. The image is a still from a you tube video named:
Occult Books ( a few of my rare editions.)
The golden picture at the sleeve of this book reminds me to the path of initiation,
the path of the arrow. The idea reflects the quickened evolution that the disciple is
able to choose. The snake than, stands for the normal gradual evolutionairy track. The
seven stars represent the tradional seven planets. That may seem an old fashioned
concept, but in the world of magic still a very powerfull given.